Privacy policy

Privacy policy for the website of the Finnish Olympic Committee

Data controller

Finnish Olympic Committee
Valimotie 10
00380 Helsinki
Visiting address: Valimotie 10, 4th floor, Helsinki
Business ID: 0202238-5

Contacts in register-related matters

For any questions related to data protection on the website, please contact us via email at or by post to Finnish Olympic Committee’s office (address listed above).

The name of the register

Privacy policy for the website of the Finnish Olympic Committee

The purpose of processing personal data

Any personal data submitted by the contact forms on the website will be processed appropriately. The data will be stored until the matter has been resolved.

The data collected through the contact forms: name, email address and any other personal data provided by the visitor on the form.

Any personal data submitted by the newsletter subscription form on the website will be transferred to a third-party newsletter system, in this case a service provider called Liana Technologies. Our newsletters have their own privacy policies.

The data collected through the newsletter system: email address.

The “vacancies” page on our website contains access and login to the recruitment system used by the Finnish Olympic Committee. The system is called ReachMee, produced by Talentech Oy, who is also responsible for the system’s data protection. Talentech is responsible for the data accumulating on the register in its system on behalf of the Finnish Olympic Committee. The data collected through the recruitment system includes: name, birth year, gender, contact details such as email address, phone number, address, as well as CV, personal application letter and any responses to screening questions on the application form.

The Finnish Olympic Committee uses a software called Google Analytics 4, provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) to collect visitor data on the website. Google Analytics uses cookies to identify users. Data related to the use of the website will be stored on Google’s servers located in the United States and elsewhere. Data collected from website visitors includes browsing behaviour, such as navigation on Finnish Olympic Committee’s website, time spent on the website and the source of the traffic. This data is used to improve both the user experience on Finnish Olympic Committee’s website and the quality of service, so that information that interests users the most would be more accessible on the website.

Regular sources of personal data

The data stored in the website’s register is collected from the messages submitted by visitors through the website’s contact forms. The visitor data of those who accept cookies is stored on Google’s servers.

Regular disclosures and removal of data

The data will not be disclosed to other parties. The data may be disclosed to a public authority in compliance with legislation.

The data collected by Google Analytics is transferred also outside the EU or EEA.

The data subject may submit a written request for personal data or request the removal of personal data by contacting the contact person of the register by email or letter.

Protection of the register

The website’s register is protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Some measures to protect the register include passwords, firewalls and SSL security. Only persons designated by the Finnish Olympic Committee have access to the website’s user register and the register for contact forms. Those who use the data in the register are bound by professional secrecy. The data in the register will not be transferred as manual data.

Cookies and their use

Our website uses cookies. The website sends a cookie, a small text file, to your browser, which is then stored on your computer’s hard drive. We use both temporary session cookies, which are closed when you close your internet browser, and persistent cookies, which are stored on your computer’s hard drive. With the help of cookies, we can gather information that allows us to analyze the use of our website. Cookies also allow us to review and track the interests of our users and thereby improve our website. All collected information is anonymous and online activities cannot be linked to a specific person.

Google uses information obtained through cookies in its analytics service, Google Analytics 4. Cookies can also be used for targeted advertising. Advertising is done via FB/IG/Google. For example, remarketing is done based on cookies. For more information on Google’s analytics tracking, visit Google’s privacy page.